“I finally found a home…” – Huey Lewis

River eating his first dinner at the new house, secured to the railing with the barn, yard, and tree behind.
Keys. Today we finally got our keys!
Two months ago, Sarah, River and I moved out of our Cambridge condominium. Ten hours before the moving company arrived that day, we learned that we no longer had a house to move into because the seller had (ahem, illegally) changed his mind and no longer planned to sell the house we had under contract.
The last two months have seen the roaming gypsy Hambletons living at borrowed homes (thank you J & L Horner!) visiting family in California and Massachusetts, some overnights with friends in NYC, and some additional nights with friends in Mystic, CT. In between all this shifting around, we found a replacement home, got it inspected, new mortgage secured, and as of today, closed!
I’ve also had the usual ongoing work to attend to, and even served as the volunteer webmaster for the biannual Newport Bermuda Race, all using a shared family cell phone wireless 3g account.
Tomorrow the moving truck and Comcast installer will bring the furniture and much-needed broadband to kick off our new family chapter in Mystic, CT. In the past two months River’s grown an inch and the weather’s changed by 30 to 40 degrees, so many of the clothes that will come out of storage tomorrow will go directly into storage again.
Coming up soon – some details of this great house we moved in to.
Oh, and a hacker spammed the website’s comment feature, so I’ve had to temporarily turn it off. Sorry.