Early Christmas Present from Rusharound

(If you’re reading this in an RSS reader, you’re missing out.  Trust me.  Come to Rusharound.com the olde fashioned way.)

Sarah and I were thinking of Christmas gifts we could give each and every one of you.  Our criteria:  it had to be affordable and take less than a second to send it to you.

Well, this is what we came up with.  A nice, juicy slab of bacon for you to enjoy while you browse.

Scroll all you like.  It’s not going anywhere.

Huh?  What’s that you say?  You want every website you visit to have a slice of bacon on it?  Simply add your favorite url to the back end of this url: http://bacolicio.us/  (For example, check out http://bacolicio.us/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarianism


My doctor emailed and told me that Rusharound’s cholesterol was getting too high and I had to lay off the bacon.   But here’s what it used to look like.

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