Freedom (from the internet)

Okay, so I love the internet. iGuilty

But once in awhile the internets keeps me from getting things done, and for this reason I’m happy to have discovered a temporary internet disabling application called Freedom (from

It’s really simple (Mac-only) software that disconnects the computer from the internet for as many minutes as you’d like.  Once it’s enabled, the only way to get back online is to restart the computer or, you know, actually wait for the timer to finish and maybe get some real work done.  Consider it free discipline for those of us who don’t have any.

I’m giving it a try this week.  If you’re curious to know how it goes, send me an email.  Just don’t expect an immediate reply.

(Hats off to the HankandWillie household, where they pay their phone company to disable the internet, but that’s another story.)

One Response to “Freedom (from the internet)”

  1. Anna at Hank and WIllie Says:

    It seems like we pay for that service EVERY MONTH, too. It’s premium, of course.