A Shout Out to TheGroceryThing.com

You know that little pang of frustration you get when you come home from the grocery store and learn that you forgot to put something on your list or that someone else in your household needed something that you didn’t know about?

It happens to us a lot, but I think that’s about to change.  A new friend of mine has created something that I’ve wanted to create (or at least have) for a long time – a very simple, but omni-present grocery list.  Good news – it exists.  It’s free.  And it’s pretty near perfect.

Here’s the deal.  Go to http://www.thegrocerything.com and create an account.  (Like I said, it’s free.)  Then make a little list of the stores you go to (Trader Joes, Whole Foods, Shaws, whatever) and add something to your list.  Be sure to invite your housemates (or, in my case, wife) to contribute to the list.  It’s really simple to use (the creator had the smarts to let users simply type in what they want instead of scrolling through lists and tapping).

When you go to the store, you can log into the super-simple page with any phone (iPhone preferred, of course), read your list and check things off.  Perfection.

Thanks Stefan for making such a great little utility!

One Response to “A Shout Out to TheGroceryThing.com”

  1. jess Says:

    As a daughter of Rochester and Wegmans, you know how obsessed I am with all things grocery. Great idea!