Gala sendoff from Wild Harbor Yacht Club (some imagination necessary).
Rowing out to Mole Minder.
Tim climbs the mast to install nonstandard jib halyard.
Setting the jib, setting out from Wild Harbor
"Blue means left, Yellow means right."
Good navigators stay alert to roadsigns. We learn we are entering Wareham.
*Really* glad the signtold us where we are.
Sailing into the marsh.
Boat barely fits!
Rush misses a turn, runs into river bank. Hilarity ensues.
Two homeowners come out to greet us (difficult to see off to the left).
Leaving the marsh behind us.
thinking: "uhhh. That was fun. But we need to find dinner!"
Tim is pleased by his invention.
Tim trims the jib. (Yep. That's a zip tie out there)
Harder than it looks: Steering and holding the "Whisker Oar"
Non-class legal whisker pole/oar.
Wouldn't this be a great place to keep your boat?!