What? You’ve never seen a miniature pony with sneakers before?

532728793_0ff6baa665.jpgWell, you have now. And if you’re Sarah or me, you think it’s about the funniest thing you’ve ever seen. Certainly the funniest thing ever associated with a pygmy horse.

In addition to the joy they bring to every person who sees them, these horses do even more good for blind people who will never take in their Adidas-equipped ridiculousness.  Read the story.

4 Responses to “What? You’ve never seen a miniature pony with sneakers before?”

  1. Graeme Says:

    Not as socially relevant as ponies with sneakers but perhaps in tune with the humor, you might enjoy our dogs with shoes…


  2. sdh Says:

    when i go blind, i am totally getting a seeing-eye pony. who needs dogs when you can have a tiny pony in tiny sneakers!

  3. Anna (Hank and Willie's mom) Says:

    I’d like to have one for our backyard!